The Gradient Table Generator called Gradtable is used to generate new gradient tables. The various SPRITE-based sequences all use tables of gradient strengths to control the k-space sampling pattern of experiments. These gradient tables are also needed to sort the resulting data, and are used by the simulator program to numerically reproduce these same experiments. The first version of Gradtable was written by James Rioux. Ding Cai added 2D & 3D Sectoral-SPRITE waveforms in August 2005 based on Sasha Khrapitchev's work. Biao Wang modified Gradtable to create non-standard 48x48x24 3D Sectoral-SPRITE waveform in March, 2006. The 2D and 3D Sectoral-SPRITE waveform code was found not to work and Zahidur Rahman debuged the program and get it to work in April, 2009. Sector angle file is needed in order to generate 3D Sectoral-SPRITE waveform. These files are located in the same folder that contains in a subfolder named sector angles. The main program is

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Current Versions of MRI Programs

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The University of New Brunswick
Department of Physics
Bruce Balcom
Last update: June 2021